
Meals on Wheels of Lexington, Inc.
A Non-Profit Organization Established in October 1969.

Our History

The Lexington Meals on Wheels project started on October 27th, 1969 in Barbara Robertson’s kitchen serving five clients. Barbara was the wife of Second Presbyterian’s pastor at the time and served with Meals on Wheels in their Flagship unit in Baltimore. Shortly afterward, the renovation of the kitchen at Second was completed, and meals have been prepared and packed there ever since, except the year Second’s new kitchen was being constructed and Temple Adath Israel hosted the service. Rotating menus with balanced nutritional meals were planned and monitored by Marion Webster from Second Presbyterian and Helen Ward from Trinity Hill United Methodist.


Clients are asked to be available to receive their meals. If they must be away when delivery is made, but still want their meals, they need to leave a cooler with a lid at the door. The cooler must have ice...

Meals on Wheels of Lexington

Meals on Wheels of Lexington serves over 200 clients daily out of two church kitchens: Trinity Baptist and Second Presbyterian. Meals are delivered five days a week including holidays.

The clients pay nominal fees, and no government funds are received. Client fees do not cover the full cost of providing the meals, so donations are vital for sustaining the program. The program receives funding from the Lillian Edwards Foundation (set up by the late Lillian Edwards, a former Meals on Wheels client) and donations from a variety of sources. Families often ask that contributions be made to Meals on Wheels in memory of their loved ones. We thank those who have donated funds over the years to sustain this mission!

Sincere gratitude goes to the thousands of loyal volunteers that have kept this program going for over 43 years. Many have given years of dedicated and joyful service to this program. Volunteers serve a two-fold purpose. They not only pack and deliver meals; they also serve as a friend to our clients. In some cases, this may be the only person the client sees or talks to during the day.